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Glass Chandelier

Four Trendy Chandeliers to Try in Your Home 

As home decor evolves and shifts worldwide, it’s common for popular trends to lead the industry. While many designers and decorators will stick with tried-and-true classics, some prefer to venture out and push the boundaries in small and big spaces. One of the best places to begin is with the chandelier.

Holiday Lighting Tips & Tricks

Holiday Lights and Decor For Your Home This Season

The holiday season is often one of joy and warmth, and decor is one of the best ways to display that cheer! Whether you’re a fan of bringing in all the colors or tend toward a cleaner, more minimalistic look, holiday lights and holiday home decor will help you spruce up your home, both inside and out. So today we’re breaking down a few ways to bring the holidays into your home with lighting, decor, and furniture. 

Your Guide To Pendant Lighting

Pendant Lights in Your Space

In most homes, lighting each room is essential, and the fixture itself can bring so much personality to the space. Whether you’re redesigning a room or just giving it a small upgrade, pendant lighting is a key design feature that you should have fun with, and the size, shape, and color can add different elements to the feel and energy of each environment! We offer quite a few services here at The Light Center, but lighting is our bread and butter. Without further ado, here are some of our thoughts on pendant lights!

How to Turn Your Small Bathroom Remodel into a Smart Bathroom Remodel

Remodeling your bathroom is one of the smartest investments you can make in the future resale value of your home. You are likely to regain 52-58% of the remodel cost when you go to sell your home, making it one of the home improvement projects with the biggest bang for your buck. Even if you only updated the lighting in your bathroom, you could increase your home’s value by 1-3% with that small investment.

Hallway Lighting from The Light Center Fort Collins

Innovative Hallway Lighting

At the Light Center we have a saying, “Lighting is everything.” With all the capabilities that technology has to offer, lighting is at the top of our cannot live without list. Legrand is a brand we carry, and they have worked hard to think outside of the box in order to make all of our lighting easy to use and oh so useful. Adorne by Legrand is a built-in hallway light, imagine a flush night light. Installing the portable night light is easy, it goes straight into an existing outlet and provides low lighting at night, very helpful for those late-night trips to the kitchen where you don’t want to trip over anything but aren’t wanting to grab a flashlight or turn on the full overhead light.