child at bedtime

How Lighting Can Promote Healthy Sleep Cycles and Routines for Children’s Well-being

Do the changing seasons have your kid’s sleep schedule thrown for a loop? 

As the days grow shorter and the nights grow longer, parents are eager to help their children adjust to school schedules and reap the rewards of a full night’s rest. One often-overlooked factor that can make this transition smoother is the lighting within your child’s environment. Let’s help you get ready for daylight savings time with some scientifically-backed tips.

Project Feature: Walk-In Closet Luxury Lighting Transformation

When it comes to luxury home design, lighting plays a crucial role in creating a distinctive and captivating atmosphere. In a recent residential project we completed in Windsor, Colorado, the primary bath and walk-in closet were transformed into stunning spaces with the help of exquisite lighting fixtures. Let’s delve into the details of this remarkable project and explore how the right lighting choices can elevate the ambiance of any space.

How to Bring More Light Into Your Home in Preparation for Daylight Savings

Daylight savings is right around the corner. Even though the sun goes down earlier, you do not have to let your good mood do the same. We all know what daylight savings brings to the table; some love this time of year and some dread it. But why? “Honey, did it just get darker in here?” “Wait, is the sun already down?” “Does anyone else feel off today because of daylight savings?” We have all heard these phrases circling around the office or household. So, why on earth does daylight savings tend to bring us into off moods? It is all rooted in the drastic changes in light!

Automatic shades for the home

Automatic Window Shades & Lights

There are many benefits to having automated shades and lights in your home – effortless privacy, comfortable lighting, better sleep, and less energy usage just scratch the surface. Let’s dive into all the things you need to know about automating your home and making sunlight work for your benefit. 

How to Embrace Farmhouse Style with Your Home Lighting

We have good news: the farmhouse style is here to stay. 

It’s been several years since the Joanna Gaines’ of the world suddenly appeared and took the world by shiplap-storm, and at first many of us wondered if this was simply a fad that would fade out as quickly as it came. But, the farmhouse-chic style is proving to stand the test of time and has made a huge impact on the modern world of interior design! This style isn’t going anywhere anytime soon, and we’re loving every minute of it. 

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