Daylight savings is right around the corner. Even though the sun goes down earlier, you do not have to let your good mood do the same. We all know what daylight savings brings to the table; some love this time of year and some dread it. But why? “Honey, did it just get darker in here?” “Wait, is the sun already down?” “Does anyone else feel off today because of daylight savings?” We have all heard these phrases circling around the office or household. So, why on earth does daylight savings tend to bring us into off moods? It is all rooted in the drastic changes in light!
There are numerous tips that can provide you with the tools you need to obtain a lot more light in the spaces of your home or office. Lighting inside your home with the right brightness, color range and application can do wonders for your overall health during this odd time of year, especially within the realms of sleep schedules, headaches, fatigue, rebooting circadian rhythms, and so much more. Ask our team how to achieve improved lighting function for your home!
Let’s talk about daylight savings and why it affects us
We have all heard the saying “you are the sum of the five people you surround yourself with,” but we believe that you are also your environment, so the phrase “you are the sum of the top five rooms you surround yourself applies as well! The circadian rhythm we each get to adapt to is mainly influenced by environment, habits, medications, mindsets, and more, but something else definitely goes unnoticed when discussing off moods and that “funky feeling” during daylight savings. That topic is proper light exposure to our ocular sensors for a certain period daily for optimal circadian rhythms.
Proper lighting (both natural and simulated sunlight) in most commonly used spaces in our homes is a key factor to a healthy environment and why our moods can change at the drop of a hat. Light exposure affects the secretion of melatonin which, long story short, is solely the natural substance that helps you sleep. It is critical to get plenty of light during waking hours and not be exposed to extreme light and blue light right before bed. Let’s discuss how the lighting in a home can be optimized for you and your loved ones.
Optimizing a home’s lighting for daylight savings

It is very common to move into a home and just “go with the flow” and keep whatever lighting came with the home. Meeting with a lighting expert and discussing options can take your lighting mindset from “this will do” to “I can’t imagine my home being lit up any other way!” Think about when you go to a bright coffee shop and notice the lighting or a romantic restaurant; it seems like just the right lighting at just the right time and keeps people coming back for more.
Now think of a time when you have been in a bookstore trying to read and it is too dim or trying on clothes and the lighting makes you want to sprint right on out of there. Your home’s lighting is the gatekeeper to a successful space to thrive in. Lighting can be tailored just the way you want it, especially during daylight savings time.
The best rooms in a home to brighten up are any of the spaces you spend the most time in. This mostly includes bedrooms, kitchens, and never forget the office space if you are working from home. However, rooms that can often be forgotten with lighting include rooms you first walk into; give your foyer, mudrooms, and entry hallways a makeover with lighting. You won’t regret it and you will be amazed with how it opens up your spaces and your family’s moods! Ceiling lights can get overlooked in a home and we offer some tips and tricks for choosing the correct one for any space in your home. The Family Handyman interviewed our expert lighting staff and has compiled great advice including tips from our owner. Other smaller areas that tend to get overlooked are pantries, closets, and cabinets. It’s frustrating to be looking for an item of clothing, snack, or maybe a cleaning spray in the dark, and can also take precious time out of your day. Brighten up these spaces and watch the magic happen.

How to brighten up your bedroom during daylight savings
Let’s discuss successful bedroom lighting as an example. Ceiling lights are one of the most beneficial ways to light up your bedroom, but it is only one element of many available. It is important to not only have two bedside lamps taking on all of the work and trying to light up the entire room. Light should be inviting throughout the entire home. “Offering layers of light creates ambiance,” owner Jennifer Johnson says. “Adding light on the ceiling creates balance. You don’t want two bedside table lamps trying to light the entire room, while over-lighting the headboard end of the bed. A ceiling light allows other areas in the room to be dimmer and more relaxing.”
A nice lighting tip in a bedroom is to opt for a tailored ceiling light whether it be small or large depending on the size of room and goals of the ones living in it. A tailored ceiling light allows for a vibrant balance in the room and adding in a dimmer assists in monitoring different hues of light before bed.
A great option that a lot of homes miss the mark on are semi-flush ceiling lights. These provide a really nice balance of light in the bedroom by lighting up the ceiling and below simultaneously. Light coming from these clear, frosted, or metal pieces create a lot more visual interest and decreases the cold spotlight feelings.
There is no doubt that sunlight boosts serotonin levels which positively boosts our moods. So, get outside while the sun is out, especially during the short daylight savings hours. It is just as important to remember to not neglect that a home’s lighting can boost your mood as well.