Winter Lighting Tips

It’s now November, which means that Daylight Savings Time has ended and the sun is setting earlier every single day. It may take some time for you to adjust to it being dark at five o’clock, but after a few weeks, you likely won’t notice it at all. At The Light Center in Fort Collins, we’re here to help you brighten your home all year round, but it’s during the shorter days of winter that you may begin thinking about how you can add more light in each room. As your local lighting store, we carry fantastic options for your bathroom, bedroom, kitchen, and more. Visit our showroom today to get started!

Getting Your Lighting Ready for Fall

With the holidays fast approaching, you may be thinking about ways in which you can improve your home before those first visitors arrive. You’re digging the fall decorations out of the closet, and you’re making sure that the guest rooms are ready to go. However, what about your home’s lighting and the various fixtures throughout the house? At The Light Center in Fort Collins, we can help you come up with a new lighting design for your home, and find new fixtures for every room.

Designing Your New Bedroom Lighting

Your bedroom is your retreat from the world, where you can curl up in bed with a good book or watch your favorite show before turning in for the night. It’s where you enjoy your first cup of coffee on the weekend, and where you can relax and not worry about life for at least a few minutes. At The Light Center in Fort Collins, we’re here to help you find the perfect bedroom lighting, and with our selection of lamps, sconces, and more, you can find the fixtures that fit your personal tastes.

Updating Your Bathroom Lighting

When you first moved into your home, the bathrooms may have been simple, utilitarian spaces that functioned well enough, but didn’t offer anything spectacular. Over the years, you’ve thought about updating these spaces, especially the master bathroom. Now that you have the time and the money, you’re ready to find a new tub, a new shower, and a new double vanity. However, have you considered the new bathroom lighting that you’re going to need? At The Light Center in Fort Collins, we can help you find new lights that will help transform your bathroom from that simple, functional space to a luxurious, spa-like atmosphere.

Creating Your New Kitchen Lighting

The kitchen is the heart of your home, where you gather with your family to make delicious food and sit down with long-time friends to catch up. The room can be a place to cook dinner and the spot where the kids do their homework, and it’s important to have the proper lighting in each area. At The Light Center in Fort Collins, we can help you choose the right kitchen lighting for your home, and we have a great selection in our showroom.

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